The AfroFuturist Affair is a grassroots community formed to celebrate, strengthen, and promote Afrofuturistic and Sci-Fi concepts and culture through creative events and creative writing. The community aims to provide a space not only for further dialogue around Afrofuturistic ideas, but a space for actual, practical implementation of these ideas as they serve social progress and freedom. The AfroFuturist Affair uses Afrofuturism and Sci-Fi as vehicles for expression, creativity, education, agency, and liberation in communities of color.
The Afrofuturist Affair uses the proceeds from our events to a community fund. The community fund is dedicated to serving the needs of a member of an under-served community annually, such as domestic violence survivors and young parents. Please note that The AfroFuturist Affair is not a 501c3 organization, therefore any donations to our community fund are not tax deductible.

Many of us were Afrofuturists long before it had a name. The umbrella term for the Black presence in sci-fi, technology, magic, and fantasy is a fairly modern creation, coined in 1994 by a culture critic named Mark Dery. Although we apply this term retrospectively to encompass speculative fiction, film, art, and music created by, or inclusive of, people of color, the concepts and phenomenon fueling Afrofuturism have been around for as long as there have been people to observe it and communicate it. Whether you call it mythology, ghost stories, cosmology, parable, folktale, sci-fi, religious tale, or fantasy, people of color have always contemplated their origins in the same breath that they anticipated the fate of humankind. We continue to do so, until time the day that time leaves us all behind. These are our stories.